8 Week Manifesting Mastery: Rewrite your life Program

Learn how to become a manifesting master!

In this amazing intense 8 week program you will learn how to become a manifesting master!

This program is all my knowledge on manifesting!

I have taken courses from Joe Vitale and many more talented manifesting experts, so I bring this one of a kind mastery program to you! You will get all my tips, tricks and how to avoid mishaps!

During the 8 weeks we will meet bi-weekly for 2 hours,

so you'll get 4 one-on-one sessions, and this is what the weeks look like!

What You'll Learn

Week 1: Quanta-verse & Akashic blueprint alignment session to clear all blocks and restrictions that are stopping you from manifesting.A deep look into your life lessons surrounding manifesting.

Find your soul's desire masterclass.

Week 2: Your unique manifesting Blueprint and action planning. Coaching from spirit guide team and higher self. Rewrite your life masterclass and my 8 manifesting steps PDF.

Week 3: Future probability to keep in alignment with intended manifestations. Learn how to intuitively attract money and what beliefs, programs or patterns are stopping you and how to clear them. Learn how to dowse with a pendulum to manifest your monthly financial intentions. Ego-ic resistance PDF and training.

Week 4: Learn how to course correct and when you need to course correct. Coaching by spirit guides and higher self. Manifesting mishaps and how to balance your shadow side to drive you forward.

Don’t miss out on become a manifesting master!

Sign up below and start your journey towards a spiritually fulfilled and purpose-driven life.

This is LIMITED as I work with a limited number of clients at a time!

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