Quanta-verse & Akashic Healing

Where transformations and dreams are achieved

About Reese

Reese Maskwa Mhs. B

Spiritual Transformational Expert

Manifesting Master

Energy Healing Master

I’m Reese, a spiritual transformational expert, and I help clients all over the world transform their lives to live an abundant fulling life, while teaching them who they truly are at soul leave, their soul purpose and why their soul was created. I have my bachelor degree in Metaphysical Humanistic Science with a specialization in Metaphysical Cultural Anthropology with extensive training in Akashic records, Quantum healing, Psychology, and Energy Healing. After years of studies I have merged all my knowledge into a new modality that ensures rapid healing and break through transformations.

I help clients to master their spiritual gifts, create abundance, remove all soul, body, mind and energetic disturbances, and most importantly give them tools so they can create their dream lives. I am also a trained Shaman, advanced soul realignment practitioner, hypnotherapy in a variety of methods such as past life regressions, EFT tapping, quantum hypnosis, and astral/remote viewing.

My need for transformations came after years of deep depression, anxiety and suffering with many physical ailments after a horrible car accident. I was tired of living that way and I set out to change my life, become the person I always dreamed about.

My dream has always been to travel the world, see ancient ruins, and study ancient religions and perhaps write books, ever since I could dream. I always knew they held the secret to living that I wanted to learn. After fighting through the fear and utilizing all my knowledge with akashic records, quantum healing and all my other studies, I spent a long time implementing my modality on myself. I healed and learned for years.

After those years of healing and growing I recently made the ultimate transformation towards my dream. I moved my family and I from Canada to Costa Rica where I have a beautiful house by the beach and can freely travel the world helping others heal, transform and manifest!

What is Quanta-Verse & Akashic Healing

Quanta-verse and Akashic records healing modality was created by Reese, a spiritual transformational expert. After extensive training and schooling in a variety of different modalities Reese was called to create her own modality that encompasses a rapid healing method that no other modality offers.

Quanta-verse and Akashic healing brings a peace of mind and optimism for a new life. Within this modality life transformations happen in every aspect of life, not just the mental and energetic aspect but our physical aspects in life are achieved to.

Reaching your life goals and dreams are top priority within this amazing modality. Limiting beliefs and thoughts are no longer an issues when we venture into the Quanta-verse and Akashic records, it is here we reprogram the subconscious mind to release all that doesn’t serve us and stops us from achieving our beliefs.

This modality not only helps with transforming your life it also bridges life and death, no longer do we need to fear were our loved ones went when they passed. They are truly never gone, within the Quanta-verse we can access our loved ones and spend time with them, see them, feel them and just be in their presence.

Every transformation is depending on the effort the client puts in, with maximum effort some major life transformations can and will happen!

Visit the Quanta-verse today to maximize your life and reach past your dream life and feel heaven on earth!

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns you can reach us at [email protected]

or you can text from WhatsApp +506-6315-7975.

Please no phone calls.

Quanta-Verse & Akashic Healing

  • Soul Purpose Report

  • Soul Matrix Report

  • Soul Blueprint Alignment

  • Children & Teens Blueprint Alignment

  • Property Clearing

Energy Healing

  • 1 Hour In person or Virtual - you choose what works best!

Monthly Reports

  • Soul matrix, soul profile & chakra reports

  • Soul matrix, profile, chakras, & life lessons

  • Soul matrix, profile, chakras, life lessons, & higher-self channelling

  • Soul matrix, profile, chakras, life lessons, higher-self channeling, & spirit guide coaching

  • Soul matrix, profile, chakras, life lessons, higher-self channeling, spirit guide coaching & energetic body clearing

1:1 Coaching

  • Intensive Spiritual Development Program

  • Manifesting Mastery: Rewrite Your Life

  • 6-Week Energy Healing Program

Group Coaching

  • Coming Soon

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